Below are our articles on the subject of Coping. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Confronting a Suspected Eating Disorder
Confronting a suspected eating disorder will never be pleasant, but often it is necessary to literally save someone’s life. This article offers basic information on…...

Family and Friends Coping with Eating Disorders
Supporting an individual in recovery from an eating disorder can be a thankless job. This article offers family and friends information on coping with another…...

How to Avoid or Prevent an Eating Disorder
Eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder are most prevalent in countries and cultures which place a high degree of importance upon being…...

Kids and Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are on the increase among older children and teens and most develop these disorders between 11 and 13 years of age. This article offers parents basic…...

Males and Eating Disorders
As many as 25% of all eating disorders are experienced by males. This article discusses eating disorders and males, including provocation of eating disorders, risk…...

Support Networks for Eating Disorders
Creating a suppoortive network is very important in ensuring a successfu lrecovery. This network can be comprised of frineds, family, professionals or another outside…...